Weird that it is one day shy of a month later that I looked at this blog and decided it was overdue for another update on my life. That wasn’t planned, I swear!
This post will be on more current events that have happened between this blog and the last one. So much that is good has happened in that short period of time.
Am still employed full time, got a $100 gift card from my client for (it took me a full day to figure out what I’ll spend it on since I never shop there). I’m feeling more comfortable with my covenmates and am getting more into the idea behind my project which, when finished, will count towards me being elevated to High Priestess (woohoo!) and I can feel the shift into prosperity for us beginning to take a more permanent hold now that I am doing what I was meant to do and what I love – caregiving and storytelling (in that order). I have begun to let go the waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak – i.e. for something bad to happen to balance out the good. It doesn’t mean I will be shocked or surprised if something happens, it just means I will now hopefully be more open to accepting whatever lesson the universe is trying to teach me in using it to adjust my path more towards doing what I was meant to do and what I love.
That is another series of posts all by itself.
The storytelling has its own story behind it – one I had hope to tell this time, but will wait for the next blog. It is my goal that it be sooner than a month from now since things are now moving in my life at a pace faster than that. I hope you’ll be around for its telling. Subscribe to my RSS feed or send me a friend request on Facebook to get notifications of the next and future posts.
)O( Luna