Last week was tiring. As I did my report for my job, I found it strange that most days I had said, “client in a good mood” and yet by Thursday I felt worn out and Friday I called in an hour late because I was so wrecked in the morning. That did have more to do with my sleep schedule being screwed up. I would crash for 2-3 hours when I got home from work, then get up and stay up past my normal bedtime that amount of time I had slept. Not the best idea in retrospect.
Since I had adjusted to my new job a month or two ago and was no longer doing the, “come home, face plant” scenario, I think my return to it may have to do with the changing dynamics I am adjusting to in my life. Settling into a routine on the weekends which includes adding a 3-hour live cast Sundays is a big deal as everything I used to do on Sunday now revolves around this chunk of time committed to first the learning curve, then the job of pimping the ‘cast to my social media circle. Today’s Stalk Me While I Write Sunday show went quickly and without a hitch as far as setup and initiating. Next I am planning a more visually dynamic, pre-recorded background to keep my chat room visitors occupied, happy campers who will be encouraged to interact with each other while I write. I am hoping it will help me to do more writing during the livecast and avoid the impression that I’m ignoring anypony while doing it.
Stalk Me While I Write Sundays happen at 12:00 noon Pacific Time on my Picarto TV channel Hail King Sombra.